‘In the image and likeness of God’: Abortion Law Reform and Religion in Letters to the Editors of Canadian Newspapers in the Sixties

Stettner, S., & Douville, B. (no date). “‘In the image and likeness of God’: Abortion Law Reform and Religion in Letters to the Editors of Canadian Newspapers in the Sixties, 179-213.
Title“‘In the image and likeness of God’: Abortion Law Reform and Religion in Letters to the Editors of Canadian Newspapers in the Sixties
AuthorsS. Stettner, B. Douville
AbstractDuring the 1960s, Canadians were grappling with the social and legal changes that directly affected women’s reproductive lives. One of the contexts in which these changes were occurring was the growing secularization of society. The authors’ analysis of letters to the editors of the Globe and Mail on abortion, however, reveals that over 70% of the letters referenced religious beliefs or institutions. The authors use these letters to explore the ways that readers who commented on abortion referenced religion to legitimize their positions. Specifically, they explore the expressions of the place of Christian beliefs and institutions in discussions of law reform and ideas about women’s roles in a modernizing Canadian society. Examination of the readers’ letters on abortion illuminates perceptions of the churches’ place in a modernizing society, and the degree to which churches were seen as responsive and responsible to their constituents. While religion was a contested field in the abortion law reform debate of the 1960s, it was not ignored; this analysis helps to complicate our understandings of secularization in Canada during the 1960s.
Start page179
End page213