"“They made me go through like weeks of appointments and everything”: Documenting women's experiences seeking abortion care in Yukon territory, Canada.

Cano, J. , K., & Foster, A. , M. (no date). "“They made me go through like weeks of appointments and everything”: Documenting women's experiences seeking abortion care in Yukon territory, Canada. Contraception, 94(5), 489-495. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2016.06.015
Title"“They made me go through like weeks of appointments and everything”: Documenting women's experiences seeking abortion care in Yukon territory, Canada.
AuthorsJ. Cano, A. Foster
AbstractAbortion has been legal without restriction in Canada since 1988 and is recognized as a medically necessary service. However, research indicates that women still face numerous barriers to accessing care, challenges that are amplified for women living in rural, remote and northern regions in Canada. This qualitative study aimed to document women's experiences seeking and obtaining abortion services while residing in Yukon Territory, identify financial and personal costs and explore avenues through which services could be improved.
Start page489
End page495
Subjectsabortion care, Yukon, Canada