“It was as if society didn't want a woman to get an abortion”: a qualitative study in Istanbul, Turkey

MacFarlane, K. , A., O'Neil, M. , L., Tekdemir, D., & Foster, A. , M. (no date). “It was as if society didn't want a woman to get an abortion”: a qualitative study in Istanbul, Turkey. Contraception, 95(2), 154-160. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2016.07.190
Title“It was as if society didn't want a woman to get an abortion”: a qualitative study in Istanbul, Turkey
AuthorsK. MacFarlane, M. O'Neil, D. Tekdemir, A. Foster
AbstractIntroduction: In 1983, abortion without restriction as to reason was legalized in Turkey. However, at an international conference in 2012, the Prime Minister condemned abortion and announced his intent to draft restrictive abortion legislation. As a result of public outcry and protests, the law was not enacted, but media reports suggest that barriers to abortion access have since worsened.
Start page154
End page160
Subjectsabortion, Turkey