Sarah Rodimon

Research Interests

  • reproductive justice
  • health & healthcare
  • grassroots activism & social movements
  • relationship between power, knowledge and embodied experiences
  • intersectional marxist feminisms


Sarah Rodimon is a student, researcher and educator, as well as an activist and advocate for reproductive health, rights and justice. She is a PhD candidate and Instructor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University. At Carleton, Sarah is also an instructor of Sociology, and the project manager for the AIDS Activist History Project, a SSHRC-funded team of researchers who are unraveling the complex history of AIDS activism in Canada during the 1980s and 1990s.

As an activist-academic, Sarah is committed to conducting research that is useful and relevant for social change. Her doctoral research addresses the role that state and medical institutions play in restricting, regulating, and distributing abortion services in New Brunswick, as well as the role of pro-choice and reproductive justice activism in resisting and transforming the social organization of abortion care. Sarah is also a member of Reproductive Justice New Brunswick, and has for years been actively involved in the student and labour movements in Canada.

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