Heather Latimer

Research Interests
- My research examines how biological life is tied to the ways we currently imagine the reproducibility of political life in our cultural imagination, specifically through a type of narrative drive that posits the possible solution to current political problems in the biological or future human.
- I argue that reproductive politics structure national and postnational fantasies of belonging and exclusion.
- I examine reproductive politics in its largest sense, as concerning not only fertility, but also the social context in which certain relationships are perceived and reproduced whilst others are not, and I focus on how fears about political change are connected to, configured by, and imaginably dealt with via reproductive futurism.
Dr. Latimer is a Lecturer at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice and in the Coordinated Arts Program. Her primary fields of scholarship and teaching are cultural studies, science studies, and health studies. Her research focuses on how reproductive politics connect to the gendered body and national politics. Specifically, she is interested in how reproductive technologies and politics are shaped by conversations focused on citizenship, sexuality and biopolitics. She has published articles in Feminist Theory, Social Text, and Modern Fiction Studies. Her first book, Reproductive Acts: Sexual Politics in North American Fiction and Film, was published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2013.